1: "Get Lean with These 8 Free Weight Exercises for Women!"

2: 1. "Squats - Tone Your Legs and Glutes" 2. "Lunges - Strengthen Your Lower Body"

3: 3. "Push-Ups - Define Your Upper Body" 4. "Planks - Build Core Strength"

4: 5. "Dumbbell Deadlifts - Work Your Entire Body" 6. "Russian Twists - Target Your Obliques"

5: 7. "Bicep Curls - Sculpt Your Arms" 8. "Tricep Dips - Say Goodbye to Flabby Arms"

6: "Benefits of Free Weight Exercises for Women"

7: "Incorporate These Exercises into Your Daily Routine"

8: "Achieve Your Lean Body Goals with Consistent Workouts"

9: "Consult with a Fitness Professional for Personalized Advice"