1: Try these homemade weight loss juice recipes to kickstart your journey to lose 10kg in 21 days.

2: Blend ingredients like kale, cucumber, and ginger for a refreshing detoxifying juice.

3: Mix apples, carrots, and lemon for a nutrient-packed juice that aids in weight loss.

4: Enjoy a tangy grapefruit and mint juice to boost your metabolism and burn fat faster.

5: Sip on a pineapple and spinach juice to satisfy cravings and promote healthy weight loss.

6: Lemon, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup come together for a spicy yet effective weight loss juice.

7: Combine watermelon, mint, and lime for a hydrating and slimming juice perfect for summer.

8: Kiwi, cucumber, and parsley make a delicious green juice that supports weight loss efforts.

9: With these homemade weight loss juice recipes, reaching your goal of losing 10kg in 21 days is within reach.